
Causes of Extinction of Species. Click the Read More link after each Snippet to read the complete article!

Polar Bear

Bear (Polar)

Polar Bear

Polar bear: Ursus maritimus

Distribution: northern polar regions occurring in 5 nations - Greenland, Norway, Canada, United States, the former Soviet Union and also on Arctic sea pack ice usually within 300km of land. Some individuals wander up to 200km inland.

Population: 20,000 - 25,000 with 60% living in Canada. Status: vulnerable species (IUCN).

Habitat: favourite habitat is a combination of pack ice, open water and coastal land.

Description: coat colour varies from pure white to shades of yellow. Small ears; black eyes and nose.

Height: 1.6m to shoulder

Length: 2.2 - 2.5m.

Size of feet: 30cm long, 25cm wide.

Indian Village Moved to Save Endangered Tigers

India village in Rajasthan relocates to protect tigers

Tiger (Image: AP)
India's tiger numbers have shrunk from 100,000 to 1,700 in a little over a century
An entire village has been relocated in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan to protect tigers, officials say.



Causes of Extinction include hunting, over-fishing, habitat loss, over-population, climate change, global warming, pollution and more.


  • causes, Causes of Extinction, pollution, overpopulation, overdevelopment, poaching, global warming, acidification, Loss of Habitat, desertification, clearcutting, Extinction of Species, ExtinctionOfSpecies.ORG