



Once the Earth is ice-free, and probably just before, in my opinion, due to a major change in the distribution of weight on the surface of Earth, Earth, which currently has a slight wobble in its rotation on its tilted axis, (probably in part because of the ice at the poles), should shift on its axis, so that a different tilt and a greater or lesser wobble will result. This shift will probably also include a change in the rotational speed of Earth. This entire area needs further study. Research is needed to quantify the changes in the angle of tilt, the wobble and the rotational speed, as well as to determine what effects such changes will have on both earth and Humanity; for example plate tectonics, volcanology, magnetism, Earth's magnetic shield, tides, etc. in addition to daily time-keeping and the change in the length of a day.


  • extinction, endangered species, species, Planetary Realignment, earth, Earth's tilt, Earth axis wobble, Earth axis tilt, Earth spin speed
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