
Welcome to Extinction of Species .ORG

Welcome to Extinction of Species .ORG - the website dedicated to saving species from extinction - and in the process, saving ourselves and planet Earth! Please join us and participate. Publish, blog, translate, learn or teach - once you join you can create your own personal space on this site, and write or comment on anything you like. You can join groups of special interest and you can contact other members publically or privately. Extinction of Species .ORG wants to prevent all species from going extinct, and believes that the best way to save the planet is by saving its myriad species. As long as the tiger, lion, whale, bear, wolf, songbird, hummingbird, panda, leopard, jaguar, elephant, manatee, gorilla, rhino, eagle, condor, baboon, dolphin, sea lion, seal, hippo, cheetah, mountain lion, polar bear, humpback whale, camel, and all the other species survive; then planet Earth will support human life and continue to nurture life of all kinds, races, species and genome. Saving other species is not only the best way to save Humanity, Human Civilization, and our quality of life - it's the only way in the long term. Click on the "Read more" links at the bottom of each snippet to read each complete article, and find out why this is so. Time is of the essence, and Extinction is Forever if we're not in Time!

We believe that we must limit human population and development in order to allow all species, and the Earth itself, to survive in its natural state. We believe that we must stop polluting the planet, stop using fossil fuels, stop using pesticides and toxic chemicals, and modify the way we live in order to live in harmony with Nature and all other species. We respect your right to disagree and present your views and opinions here. We strive for a civilized, intelligent debate that will lead to politiical and environmental change.

Join us today, and help save all species from extinction, and in so doing, save human civilization and the planet itself. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century of the Contemporary Era (AD), we are losing the battle to save species from extinction and thus save our human civilization, and Planet Earth's ability to sustain life itself. What kind of world will we leave to our children and grandchildren, and their children and grandchildren? Whatever your religion or faith or philosophical orientation, surely it must be a crime in the eyes of God to so overpopulate the planet and so over-develop and pollute the planet as to cause an entire species to go extinct. Think about that.

Join us and teach or learn about the causes of extinction and some solutions to the extinction and ecological crises that we are in. This is a critical time in history and we must act now to preserve species, to preserve Nature, to preserve the Human race, civilization and our quality of life. Thanks for your help and your support. Browse this site, sign-up as a member, join a group if you have special interests in Mammals, or Habitat, or Causes or Solutions, for example. Comment on what you find here, create and publish your own environmental material, and enter the extinction of species, environmental planetary discussion so that human civilization, and all other species of life may survive into the 22nd century and beyond.  

Proudly brought to you by Matthew Hooker.

[Note: If your language is missing, or your language is not properly translated, or has little or no content, join us and help improve this site in your language, or in any other way. Join us and contact the site administrator when you are logged in and we will respond. We are all volunteers and we need your help! Thank you.]


  • extinction, species, survival, ExtinctionOfSpecies.ORG, endangered species, Threatened Species, Planet Earth
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