
Climate Roadmap - 2023

Today, In 2023, Humanity is facing a catastrophic human-induced climate crisis which seriously threatens our very survival. 

Fundamentally, Humanity is faced with this climate crisis for a few principal reasons, which are important to understand in order to advocate the best solutions.


  1. Pollution (including that of overpopulated species, which can be seen from the point of view of Earth as a form of toxic pollution) does not recognize national boundaries and borders while Earth is subdivided politically into self-regulating nation-states, which regulate, or fail to regulate, pollution and population for their own people and territories.


  1. Currently on Earth, Nation-states are often controlled by selfish interests. A great deal of the fossil fuels being used are found in countries which have systems of government which are either dictatorial monarchies, communist, or fanatically religious; and all of those ideologies or systems of government are principally concerned with amassing private wealth, spreading their religion or ideology all over the Earth, or enjoying economic growth and a high standard of living in the here-and-now. With our current industrial and economic systems, high quality of life translates to massive amounts of pollution produced. Even our Western democracies' leaders are more concerned with being re-elected than with doing what is best for the future. Furthermore, in democratic systems of government, the average voter is not well-educated, not very intelligent, and is far too often easily persuaded by falsehoods, and is overly religious, or at least cannot separate their religion from government and public policy. Most of all, far too many people and governments are selfish - concerned only for their standard of living and quality of life, and not for the future.


I mention these two fundamental problems, because it is, in my opinion, necessary to bear them in mind when designing a roadmap out of the climate mess we are currently in. This means:

(A) that we need to push for a type of Buckminster Fuller idea of cosmic costing (that is factor into its cost as much as possible the cost of the pollution removal associated with its manufacture, sale, use and disposal) for everything, every process, every system and every lifestyle, which pollutes; and


(B) that we need to either educate people everywhere to a) not be religious, or b) learn that the separation of church and state means that we must use science in public policy and in government, rather than the words from religious texts; or c) help or force organized religion to change; so that population growth, over-development and the destruction of the natural world are no longer encouraged by it. It must always be recalled that it is people and people's lifestyles, human activity, which is causing catastrophic climate change. Thus our long-term solution must be to either vastly reduce the number of people on Earth, or vastly reduce the types and amounts of pollution that people produce. Nature is currently in the process of taking the first of those two long-term solutions at present. I believe it is our task to prevent that from happening and to manage ourselves and our lifestyles much better, so that we can avail ourselves of the second solution.


Since it is highly unlikely that either of those two fundamental problems will be resolved in the next half-century, we need to negotiate those facts carefully while putting procedures and systems in place which can save the planet.

In general we need to: stop population growth and attempt long-term population reduction, stop all usage of fossil fuels and replace them with clean green renewal energy, make the best choices among the renewal energy alternatives, stop development of the remaining natural world that has not yet been developed, and stop the manufacture and use of certain chemicals in industry, agriculture and society. Obviously governments need to address these issues nationally, so government advocation is critical, and we can also have all environmentally-minded international organizations as well as the big international organizations champion these goals. Currently this is very difficult politically, since no one is speaking about overpopulation, when it is the very root of the problem.


  • extinction, endangered species, species, climate roadmap, 2023, warming, greenhouse gases, CO2, CH4, pollution, population, overpopulation, over-development, future, fossil fuels