
About Extinction of Species .ORG

ExtinctionOfSpecies.Org - Extinction Of Species .ORG is a not-for-profit web-site created and hosted by Matt Hooker. 

I welcome your help in adding content, including essays, news, photographs, videos, etc. of the Earth's vanishing species, and how we can save all of Earth's biodiversity from going extinct. I believe it is essential to stop population growth and then reduce human population to sustainable levels which ensure all species survive in healthy numbers and all human beings have a high quality of life. I also believe that we must stop using fossil fuels as soon as possible, and as well stop producing and using harmful chemicals and pesticides and polluting indistrail processes. We must force a change on the entire planet if we are to survive, and We Must Use Our Reason to Survive! Faith!

Join the site for free, create your own blog, post, comment, share, learn and teach! Help us save the planets' vanishing species from extinction, and in the process, save ourselves and our human civilization. If you can help translate English articles to other languages, please Contact Us. If you wish to donate to help us expand, Contact Us. Please post articles in your native languages so we can be truly global and multilingual, as the entire Earth - and all of its nation states must together change the way we live in order to survive and thrive in harmony with the planet.

"In wildness is the preservation of the world", wrote John Muir, an American naturalist (of Scottish origin), more than a hundred years ago.

Today I say, "In Biodiversity is the Preservation of planet Earth" and "Extinction is Forever if not in Time". The place is planet Earth and the Time is NOW - to save beautiful, wonderful, life-giving planet Earth, and ourselves and our Human Civilization - it is Humanity's greatest Duty. We Humans are Responsible for the well-being of Planet Earth - It's Time We Live Up to Our Responsabilities!

  • extinction, endangered species, critically endangered species