
Human Dependency on Nature

Humanity depends on Nature - on habitat for food availablity, pollution control, water purification, and agriculture; on other species for food availability, pollution control and pollination; on the atmospheric and oceanic currents for temperature control and freshwater generation and distribution; on atmosphic layers to protect us from cosmic radiation; and much, much more.

We could never afford to do what Nature does for us - we don't have the capacity or ability, and it would cost us thousands or millions times more than the total wealth of the planet - if we could.

Furthermore, human engineering, rather than replacing Nature, only causes more pollution, which makes the situation worse.

Neither can we find another planet in Space to go live on. We do not know of any other habitable planets, and we do not have the technology to get us there, when we do. Furthermore, this "option" will only be available for a very select few and will be horribly expensive, and won't come before the 22nd century, most likely. Planet Earth and our Human civilization won't survive that long unless we change the way we live dramatically.

The only answer for our Human survival is to reduce and limit our numbers, reduce and limit our development and destruction of the natural world, and reduce and limit our types and amounts of pollution. That is the only way we can save Nature, which we are part of, and upon which we depend absolutely.


  • Human Dependency on Nature, Freshwater generation, Freshwater distribution, temperature control, food availability, pollination, protection from cosmic radiation, Causes of Extinction, causes, Solutions to Extinction of Species, Solutions, Extinction of Species, ExtinctionOfSpecies.ORG, 2022, 2010-2019
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